.. _api_news: .. index:: News seealso: News; Statistics News ====== To get "news" (a list of interesting recent things that happened in the system): .. list-table:: :widths: 10, 50 * - **URL** - :wotkit-api:`news` * - **Privacy** - Public * - **Format** - not applicable * - **Method** - GET * - **Returns** - Appropriate HTTP status code; OK 200 - if successful | .. admonition:: example .. parsed-literal:: curl ":wotkit-api:`news`" Output: .. code-block:: python [{ 'timestamp': 1370910428123, 'title': u'The sensor "Light Sensor" has updated data.', 'url': u'/sensors/5/monitor' },{ 'timestamp': 1370910428855, 'title': u'The sensor "api-data-test-1" has updated data.', 'url': u'/sensors/40/monitor' }]