.. _user_dashboards: Dashboards ========== Dashboards allow you to view multiple widgets displaying sensor data. To view your dashboards, select the *Dashboards* tab. When viewing a new dashboard, you will see the following view with a help message. By default, there will be an empty dashboard labeled 'untitled'. From here, you can: * Select an existing dashboards by clicking another dashboard on the left of the page. * Add a new dashboard by clicking ''Add Dashboard''. * Rename a dashboard by clicking on the Edit link. * Delete a new dashboard by clicking ''Delete Dashboard''. .. note:: You must have at least one dashboard at all times. If you only have one dashboard, it cannot be deleted. .. image:: images/Dashboard.jpg :width: 500px Adding Widgets to a Dashboard ----------------------------- To add a sensor widget to a dashboard: * Select the "Dashboard" tab. * Click on the dashboard that you wish to add a widget to. * Click on ''Add Widgets''. * Choose which widget to add, and click on its ''Add to Dashboard'' button. .. note:: This will add the widget to the last dashboard you viewed. If there are no widgets, you must create a widget by viewing a sensor. See ... .. image:: images/Add-to-Dashboard.jpg :width: 500px After adding a widget to a dashboard, the widgets will be displayed on the dashboard as shown. You can drag and resize them to any position on the dashboard. .. image:: images/Dashboard-Widgets.jpg :width: 500px