
Admins can list, create and delete users from the system.

List/Query Users

A list of matching user may be queried by the system. The optional query parameters are as follows:

Name Value Description
text text to search for in the username, first name and/or last name
reverse true to get the oldest users first; false (default) to get newest first
offset offset into list of users for paging
limit limit to show for paging. The maximum number of users to display is 1000.

To query for users, add query parameters after the sensors URL as follows:

Privacy Admin
Format json
Method GET
Returns 200 OK on success. A JSON object in the response body containing a list of users matching the query.

Viewing a Single User

To view a single user, query by username or id as follows:

Privacy Admin
Format json
Method GET
Returns 200 OK if successful. A JSON object in the response body describing a user.


curl --user {id}:{password}


        'id': 1,
        'username': 'sensetecnic',
        'email': '',
        'firstname': 'Sense',
        'lastname': 'Tecnic',
        'enabled': True,
        'accountNonExpired': True,
        'accountNonLocked': True,
        'credentialsNonExpired': True

Creating/Registering a User

To register a user, you POST a user resource to the url /users. The user resource is a JSON object with the following fields:

  Field Name Information
(REQUIRED) username The username of the user. Must be at least 4 characters long.
(REQUIRED) firstname First name of the user. Can be updated.
(REQUIRED) lastname Last name of the user. Can be updated.
(REQUIRED) email Email of the user. Can be updated.
(REQUIRED) password Password of the user. Can be updated.
(REQUIRED) timeZone A timezone must be provided, for example UTC. Can be updated.

To create a user:

Privacy Admin
Format json
Method POST
Returns 201 Created if successful; 400 Bad Request if user is invalid; 409 Conflict if user with the same username already exists.

Updating a User

  • You may only update the following fields: “firstname”, “lastname”, “email”, “timeZone” and “password”.
  • Only fields that will be present in the JSON object will be updated. The rest will remain unchanged.

To update a user:

Privacy Admin
Format json
Method PUT
Returns 204 No Content if successful.

Deleting a User

Deleting a user is done by deleting the user resource.

To delete a user:

Privacy Admin
Format not applicable
Returns 204 No Content if successful.